There are those of you who aspire to join FPE, those of you who have joined and those of you who used to belong and who have not re- newed your membership. Some of the latter will read these lines so this will serve as a reminder.
FPE is now publishing a Directory of all its active members giving femmename, code, city and state, marital status, children, religion, wife's attitude, degree of dressing, hobbies and interests, etc. This Di- rectory will be sent in February each year to paid up members. Those who miss this or who join later will be listed in quarterly supplement sheets. It is our hope that this will facilitate finding friends with things in common and in forming groups by those who are near enough to each other to do so.
All active members will be given new codes based on the POS state abbreviations. Thus CA-17-P means that I (Virginia) live in California, am the 17th person in California to turn in my registration form and my last name begins with P. Old codes will be discontinued after this issue. Joining FPE is by the same mechanism as before you must be on Chevalier's list for a minim of 5 issues (store bought issues don't count) and have read them. This is to allow you to be sure that you are "one of us." Then you ask for an application. When this has been re- turned and approved you will get a registration form for the Directory and when that is returned you are a member, will get a copy of the Di- rectory and will be listed in the next supplement to it. Those who are listed are members in good standing and entitled to be active in chap- ters. If you are interested in joining and have had the required 5 issues write for an application. Remember, however, that FPE is not an open- door organization as some are. It is intended only for those heterosexual cross dressers (FPs) who wish to meet with others of their own kind who have equal concern for security.